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Major land package covering ~3,000km² of under-explored terrain prospective for gold, rare earth elements (REE), nickel and base metals

East Laverton

Gold Project

Project Overview

Exploring a dozen licenses in the highly prospective East Laverton region of Western Australia.

Prolific region with major operating mines around Laverton

Total area of ~3,000km2 comprising 8 granted ELs and 4 ELAs with grant anticipated imminently

Greenfield exploration targets for gold, REE, nickel, base metals, & lithium

Sparsely explored because of the lack of outcrop and the traditional interpretation of unmineralised granites

Geological and magnetic interpretation indicates prospective greenstone inliers

The East Laverton Project comprises twelve exploration licences, covering an area of approximately 3,000km² in the highly prospective East Laverton region of Western Australia, 50-100 km east of Laverton and 350km northeast from Kalgoorlie-Boulder. 

The project is located within the Eastern Goldfields Superterrane on the eastern part of the Archean Yilgarn Craton. 

The poorly exposed granite greenstone terranes of the eastern Yilgarn Craton include some of the world’s most mineralised belts and host world class gold deposits.

Due to extensive transported cover, the project area has had limited historical exploration, despite being surrounded by existing and emerging world class gold camps. 

To the west, the Laverton Greenstone Belt is home to Sunrise Dam (10 Moz Au), Wallaby (8 Moz Au) and Granny Smith (2.5 Moz Au) and a suite of other nearby gold deposits.  Gold production from the belt is estimated to be in excess of 28 Moz Au. 

Lying to the east of the area is the Yamarna Greenstone Belt, hosting the 6 Moz Au granitoid-host ed Gruyere deposit, whilst the 7.5 Moz Au granite gneiss-hosted Tropicana deposit is located in the Albany-Fraser Province to the southeast.

EastLaverton location update.jpg

Figure 1: East Laverton Project tenement area.

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